Dublin Port Pilotage Exemption Certificate applications should be made through our online portal below.
When applying for a Pilotage Exemption Certificate (PEC) and or a Pilotage Exemption Certificate (Restricted) (PEC) the following requirements must be met.
Application requirements for a PEC must comply with:
- The conditions laid down in Section 72 of the Harbours Act 1996 (as amended)
- The list of third countries whose Certificates of Competency certificates Ireland are recognised by endorsement is as follows: United Kingdom, Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Russian Federation, Singapore, Ukraine
- Dublin Port Company Pilotage Bye-Laws (23rd December 2020)
- PEC examinations will be held during the second week of every month at the Port Operations building on Breakwater Road South
- All applications for a PEC along with the required documentation must be submitted via the form below with a minimum of two weeks ahead of the expected examination date
- PECs will only be validated following successful completion of the PEC examination and a check ride carried out by one of the Harbour Masters team or a warranted Pilot