Please follow the following requirements when applying for a Pilotage Exemption Certificate and or a Pilotage Exemption Certificate (Restricted) (PEC).

1. Application requirements for a PEC must comply with:

a. The conditions laid down in Section 72 of the Harbours Act 1996 (as amended).

 i. For the sake of clarity the list of third countries whose Certificates of Competency certificates Ireland recognises by endorsement is as follows: United Kingdom, Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Russian Federation, Singapore, Ukraine.

b. Dublin Port Company Pilotage Bye-Laws (23rd December 2020).

2. PEC examinations will be held during the second week of every month at the Port Operations building.

3. All applications for a PEC along with the required documentation must be submitted to the Harbour Office at a minimum of two weeks ahead of the expected examination date.

4. PECs will only be validated following successful completion of the PEC examination and a Check-ride carried out by one of the HM team or a warranted pilot.

Please download the PEC Application Document HERE

PEC Application
