Bull Island Wooden Bridge Works Notice

Bull Island Wooden Bridge Works Notice

11 August 2022

SIAC Bituminous Products Limited on behalf of Dublin City Council Road Maintenance Department will be carrying out a resurfacing works on Woodenbridge Road as per location below.

The works will commence on Monday 15th of August, and all going well, be completed on the same night. Work will be carried out starting at 19.00 in the evening and completed by 06.00 in the morning.  

A temporary traffic management plan will be put in place in the morning and removed in the evening. Local access will be maintained through road leading in and out to Causeway Road for the duration of the works. 

We would also ask you not to park on the road in these locations as this will lead to delays in carrying out the work. One parked car will hold up all works and increase the disruption that will inevitably be caused by these works. 

We would like to thank residents & businesses in advance for their co-operation with which we will complete these works as quickly as possible and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.