DPC public notice re 3FM Project Marine Site Investigation

DPC public notice re 3FM Project Marine Site Investigation

14 June 2022

Appropriate Assessment Screening Report open to public submission  

Dublin Port Company (DPC) has published notice of a planned Marine Site Investigation within the foreshore of Dublin Harbour as part of the preparatory work required to bring the 3FM Project forward for planning consent to An Bord Pleanála. Further details on the context, location and expected timing of the proposed investigation work can be found in the notice below. You can download the full notice HERE

In this context, an Appropriate Assessment Screening Report has been prepared to determine the potential impact of the proposed Marine Site Investigation on a European Site as defined by the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011. This report is available to the public to view online at: https://www.dublinport.ie//masterplan/3fm/

Members of the public who wish to make a submission or observation concerning the Appropriate Assessment Screening Report may do so in writing to Dublin Port Company (DPC) by close of business on 8th July 2022, following the submission guidelines outlined in the public notice.





In mid 2023, Dublin Port Company (DPC) intends to bring forward for planning consent the 3FM Project, the third and final Strategic Infrastructure Development Project needed to deliver the capacity objectives of the Dublin Port Masterplan 2040. The project is intended to provide the additional infrastructure for freight required in the unitised modes, Roll-on Roll-off (Ro-Ro) and Lift-on Lift-off (Lo-Lo). The planning application to An Bord Pleanala, when lodged, will be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report and a Natura Impact Assessment.

As part of the preparatory work for the 3FM planning application, the outline engineering design of the proposed marine infrastructure for the 3FM Project requires knowledge of the ground conditions, including the strength of the subsoils and the depth to rock. Towards this end, a Marine Site Investigation is proposed which will comprise the use of a jack-up barge and ancillary vessels to bore a series of exploratory holes within the foreshore of Dublin Harbour. The Marine Site Investigation will be undertaken entirely within the foreshore located to the south of the navigation channel and only on foreshore owned by DPC and is expected to commence in August 2022 for a period of 8 weeks.

In order to determine the potential impact of the proposed Marine Site Investigation on a European Site as defined by the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011, DPC has appointed RPS to prepare an Appropriate Assessment Screening Report which can be viewed on the Dublin Port website: https://www.dublinport.ie//masterplan/3fm/

Members of the public who wish to make a submission or observation concerning the   Appropriate Assessment Screening Report may do so in writing between 9th June 2022 and 8th July 2022 (quoting ref: 3FM Project, Marine SI, Appropriate Assessment Screening) to Charlie Murphy, Dublin Port Company, Communications and Heritage Section, Alexandra Road, Dublin 1 or by email to info@dublinport.ie The closing date for submissions is close of business (17.30) on 8th July 2022.

Observations from the public will be taken into account by the Dublin Port Company Board before coming to an Appropriate Assessment screening decision and in advance of a decision to proceed with the Marine Site Investigation.

Dated this 9th June 2022  

Michael Sheary, Company Secretary, Dublin Port Company, Port Centre, Alexandra Road, Dublin 1, Ireland