Dublin Port Temporary Traffic Management Plans – 4th-18th October 2021

Dublin Port Temporary Traffic Management Plans – 4th-18th October 2021

4 October 2021

As part of the continuous improvements to the Dublin Port Roads Network, there are several road works taking place across the Port estate between the 4th – 18th October 2021.

Please see below location plan for the affected areas, a brief description of works, and anticipated duration. All routes will be clearly signposted and VMS boards in place to assist:


DUBLIN PORT WORKS KEY PLAN – 4th – 18th October 2021


Promenade Road:

Footpath narrowing

Hoarding Placement.

03/03/21 – 15/10/21




  Branch Rd South:

Single Lane Closure 

25/09/21 – 15/10/21 

Terminal Road:

Terminal Rd /
Alexandra Rd

Extension Road
reconstruction works.


14/06/21 – 15/10/21


Bond Drive


Bond Drive


29/06/21 – 15/10/21  




TMA 234 Lane: 

Lane Narrows for duct proving on behalf of ESB

26/09/21 – 07/10/21



  TMA 235 Lane:  Lane Narrows ducting on behalf of ESB  11/10/21 – 26/11/21 

 Alexandra Road:

 TM Barrier realignment

 02/10/21 – 03/10/21








In case of emergency while traveling on any of these routes – please remain with your vehicle and contact Harbour Police / Port Security: 01 8876858

Should you have any queries in relation to the Dublin Port Roads Network upgrade works please do not hesitate to contact us:

Email: info@dublinport.ie

Phone: 01 8876000

We thank you for your co-operation and patience and apologise for any convenience these works may cause.