Page last updated: 28th November 2024

2022-2029 Maintenance Dredging Campaigns

Dublin Port Company (DPC) was granted a Dumping at Sea Permit (S0004-03) by the EPA on the 4th October 2022 for the loading and dumping at sea of dredged material arising from maintenance dredging of the Inner Liffey Channel and Dublin Bay.

The permit sets out in detail the conditions under which DPC will carry out the loading and dumping at sea.

 View Dumping at Sea Permit S0004-03

 Maintenance Dredging Campaign 2024

Dublin Port Company (DPC) intend to carry out a Maintenance Dredging campaign throughout 2024.

2024 Capital Dredging Campaign – MP2 Project

Dublin Port Company (DPC) intend to carry out a Capital Dredging campaign commencing on 16th January 2024, subject to suitable weather conditions. DPC was granted a Dumping at Sea Permit (S0024-02) by the EPA on 27th July 2022 for the loading and dumping at sea of dredged material arising from capital dredging as part of MP2 Project. The permit sets out in detail the conditions under which DPC will carry out loading and dumping at sea.

The capital dredging campaign will be undertaken by Cunningham Civil & Marine and will be completed by 31st March 2024, that is, within 11 weeks of commencement. Dredging will be carried out using a back-hoe dredger and other support vessels.

 View Capital Dredging Campaign 2024

MP2 Project Capital Dredging Programme December 2024 – March 2025

Dublin Port Company (DPC) intend to carry out loading and dumping at sea of dredged material arising from capital dredging as part of the MP2 Project over the period December 2024 to March 2025.

  View MP2 Project Capital Dredging Programme 2024

2022 Capital Dredging Campaign – MP2 Project

Dublin Port Company (DPC) intend to carry out a Capital Dredging campaign over the period October to December 2022. DPC was granted a Dumping at Sea Permit (S0024-02) by the EPA on 27th July 2022 for the loading and dumping at sea of dredged material arising from capital dredging as part of MP2 Project. The permit sets out in detail the conditions under which DPC will carry out loading and dumping at sea.

The international dredging company Van Oord has been appointed to undertake the capital dredging campaign using a combination of back hoe and trailer suction hopper dredgers.

 View Capital Dredging Campaign 2022

Dublin Harbour Capital Dredging Project Foreshore Application

The proposed capital dredging within Dublin Harbour is to allow for the safe passage and berthage of vessels of deeper draught expected to visit Dublin Port. A foreshore application for the Dublin Harbour Capital Dredging Project was submitted to the Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage.

More information about the Dublin Harbour Capital Dredging Project Foreshore Application is available to view online at:

Submissions, comments or questions in relation to the proposal may be made in writing within 8 weeks from the publication of a Public Notice which appeared in the Dublin People and the Irish Times on the 12th January 2022 to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage at Foreshore Section, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage at Newtown Road, Wexford, Co. Wexford or by e-mail to (Quoting Ref: FS 007164). The closing date for the receipt of written submissions, comments or questions is therefore 17:30 on the 9th March 2022. 

All objections and representations will be forwarded to Dublin Port Company for comment prior to any decision being made in the matter. Material upon which the Minister shall determine this application will be published on the Department’s website.

2020 Maintenance Dredging Campaign

 View Maintenance Dredging 2020

Dublin Port Company (DPC) intend to carry out a Maintenance Dredging campaign commencing 10th September 2020, weather permitting. The loading and dumping operations for maintenance dredging will only take place during the month of September 2020. DPC was granted a Dumping at Sea Permit (S0004-02) by the EPA for the loading and dumping at sea of dredged material arising from maintenance dredging. The permit sets out in detail the conditions under which DPC will carry out loading and dumping at sea.

The international dredging company Boskalis has been appointed to undertake the maintenance dredging campaign using trailer suction hopper dredgers.

2020 Capital Dredging Campaign

 View Capital Dredging 2020-2021 

Dublin Port Company (DPC) intend to carry out a Capital Dredging campaign commencing 1st October 2020, weather permitting. The loading and dumping operations will take place between 1st October 2020 and 31st March 2021. DPC was granted a Dumping at Sea Permit (S0024-01) by the EPA on 13th September 2016 for the loading and dumping at sea of dredged material arising from capital dredging as part of the Alexandra Basin Redevelopment (ABR) Project. The permit sets out in detail the conditions under which DPC will carry out loading and dumping at sea.

The international dredging company Boskalis has been appointed to undertake the capital dredging campaign using trailer suction hopper dredgers.

2019 Capital Dredging Campaign

 View Capital Dredging 2019 

Dublin Port Company (DPC) intend to carry out a Capital Dredging campaign commencing 21st October 2019, weather permitting. The loading and dumping operations will take place between October 2019 and March 2020. DPC was granted a Dumping at Sea Permit (S0024-01) by the EPA on 13th September 2016 for the loading and dumping at sea of dredged material arising from capital dredging as part of the Alexandra Basin Redevelopment (ABR) Project. The permit sets out in detail the conditions under which DPC will carry out loading and dumping at sea.

The international dredging company Boskalis has been appointed to undertake the capital dredging campaign using trailer suction hopper dredgers.

2018 Capital Dredging Campaign

 View Capital Dredging 2018 

Dublin Port Company (DPC) intend to carry out a Capital Dredging campaign commencing 22nd October 2018, weather permitting. The loading and dumping operations will take place between October 2018 and March 2019. DPC was granted a Dumping at Sea Permit (S0024-01) by the EPA on 13th September 2016 for the loading and dumping at sea of dredged material arising from capital dredging as part of the Alexandra Basin Redevelopment (ABR) Project. The permit sets out in detail the conditions under which DPC will carry out loading and dumping at sea.

The international dredging company Boskalis has been appointed to undertake the capital dredging campaign using a trailer suction hopper dredger similar to the type shown in Plates 1.

2018 Maintenance Dredging Campaign

 View Maintenance Dredging 2018 

DPC intend to carry out a Maintenance Dredging campaign commencing 5th April 2018, weather permitting, in order to re-establish the ruling depth of -7.8m Chart Datum. The maintenance dredging campaign will be completed before 23rd April 2018. The maintenance dredging campaign will be undertaken in accordance with the conditions as set out in the Foreshore License is AKC/2016/00262 granted by the Department of Environment, Communications & Local Government (DECLG ) and the Dumping at Sea Permit is S0004-01 granted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Notification has been sent to both EPA and DECLG of DPC’s intention to undertake these essential works.

The international dredging company Boskalis has been appointed to undertake the maintenance dredging campaign using a trailer suction hopper dredger similar to the type shown in Plates 1 & 2.

2017 Maintenance Dredging Campaign

 View Maintenance Dredging 2017 

DPC intend to carry out a Maintenance Dredging campaign commencing 13th September 2017 in order to re-establish the ruling depth of -7.8m Chart Datum. The maintenance dredging campaign is expected to last for 2-4 weeks. The maintenance dredging campaign will be undertaken in accordance with the conditions as set out in the Foreshore License is AKC/2016/00262 granted by the Department of Environment, Communications & Local Government (DECLG ) and the Dumping at Sea Permit is S0004-01 granted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Notification has been sent to both EPA and DECLG of DPC’s intention to undertake these essential works.

The international dredging company Boskalis has been appointed to undertake the maintenance dredging campaign using a trailer suction hopper dredger similar to the type shown in Plates 1 &2.

View Note on Why Maintenance Dredging is Necessary

2016 Maintenance Dredging Campaign

Marine Mammal Monitoring Report from Maintenance Dredging Campaign of 2016

Maintenance Dredge Report 2016

View Maintenance Dredging Campaign 2016 Pre-commencement Notifications

View Dumping at Sea Permit S0004-01

2017 Capital Dredge Campaign

Dublin Port Company (DPC) was granted a Dumping at Sea Permit (S0024-01) by the EPA on 13th September 2016 for the loading and dumping at sea of dredged material arising from capital dredging as part of the Alexandra Basin Redevelopment (ABR) Project.

The permit sets out in detail the conditions under which DPC will carry out loading and dumping at sea.

View Note Why Capital Dredging is Necessary

View Dumping at Sea Permit S0024-01

View Dumping At Sea Permit S0024-01 Annual Environmental Report 2017

Capital Dredging Programme (October 2017 – March 2018)

Capital Dredging Programme – Monitoring

View Irish Whale and Dolphin Group Monitoring in Dublin Port Video

The IWDG began an historic acoustic monitoring survey in UNESCO designated Dublin Bay Biosphere as 2016 came to a close. It is part of the Alexandra Basin Redevelopment Project marine mammal mitigation plan. This short film captures the deployment of high-tech underwater listening devices which will help scientists understand any impact on porpoise living in the Bay area.

Contacting DPC

If you have any concerns, or complaints, with respect to the Maintenance Dredging Campaign 2016, direct contact can be made with DPC by phoning the following number during normal business hours

Phone 01 8876000 or email

DPC will undertake to make every effort to address your concerns.

Alternatively, you may wish to make direct contact with the Office of Environmental Enforcement, EPA.