The Dublin Port Masterplan 2040 was first published in 2012 and was reviewed in 2017 and 2018.

The Masterplan 2012-2040 presents a vision for future operations at the Port and critically examined how the existing land use at Dublin Port can be optimised for merchandise trade purposes. The Masterplan, which was prepared following extensive engagement with stakeholders, also outlines how Dublin Port Company will work to better integrate the Port with the City and its people.

The first review of the Masterplan in 2017 was to ensure that the Masterplan 2040 remained relevant and achieves its central objective of providing a clear vision for the sustainable development of Dublin Port into the future.

The context for the review in 2018 was due to economic resurgence with five years of consistent growth in cargo volumes (30% growth since 2012) and each of the last three years a record year, while national policy continued to evolve with the publication of Project Ireland 2040 National Planning Framework.

You can view all the Masterplan 2040 documents here

Masterplan 2012

The Masterplan 2012 was prepared by Dublin Port Company in order to:

  • Plan for future sustainable growth and changes in facilitating seaborne trade in goods and passenger movements to and from Ireland and the Dublin Region in particular.
  • Provide an overall context for future investment decisions.
  • Reflect and provide for current national and regional guidelines and initiatives.
  • Ensure there is harmony and synergy between the plans for the Port and those for the Dublin Docklands Area, Dublin City and neighbouring counties within the Dublin Region.
  • Give some certainty to customers about how the Port will develop in the future to meet their requirements.

The Masterplan 2012 addresses the key issues around the future development of the Port by reference to developments in merchandise trade and key sectors of the economy. It also examines the existing land utilisation at Dublin Port and suggests some options for future development at the Port which will facilitate the Port handling 60m tonnes by 2040.


Masterplan Review 2017

The Dublin Port Masterplan 2012 – 2040 sets out a vision for the development and operation of Dublin Port for the next 30 years. The Masterplan provided that it would be subject to periodic reviews, based primarily on changes in the demand for the use of port facilities.

The first review of the Dublin Port Masterplan 2012 – 2040 will take account of changes in port operations, logistics, trade developments and relevant policies impacting on Dublin Port as it continues to plan for the future.

The review is intended to update and refine the infrastructure development options for Dublin Port and, in doing so, ensure that the Masterplan continues to provide the best solution for the future sustainable development of Dublin Port through to 2040.

Consultation Process 

The public consultation process took place between late January and early March and informed the revised Masterplan which was published in late 2017. To help guide the consultation process, Dublin Port Company published a Masterplan Review 2017 Consultation Paper and an Environmental Report Consultation Paper.

The consultation process involved extensive outreach to key stakeholders including local residents and political representatives, local businesses, community and environmental groups. It included the publication of a detailed consultation paper, face-to-face briefings, a media information campaign, public information days, a social media campaign and a comprehensive environmental consultation process.

In all, the consultation process secured 67 formal responses from a range of participants and the community briefings attracted over 130 people from Clontarf, East Wall and Ringsend. All submissions and contributions are being considered in the finalisation of the review of the Masterplan.

A number of common themes emerged during the consultation process, including general support for the Port and a welcome for the Masterplan and the review process. There was also a welcome for the planned closer integration between Dublin Port and Dublin City, with a large number of respondents referencing a desire for greater public access to the port area and maximum possible public access to heritage assets within the Port Estate.

Some concern was noted about the potential traffic and environmental impact of overlapping development proposals, particularly on the Poolbeg Peninsula and there was strong demand for investment to support significant levels of community regeneration.

DPC undertook a number of environmental, cultural / leisure and transport studies and assessments arising from the process before finalising the review. This included a full Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment. It also conducted formal meetings with a number of national and local stakeholders on specific topics that emerged.

The revised Masterplan took these views on board, with particular emphasis on ensuring the Port meets the demands the national economy has of it in the decades to come, enhanced Port-City integration, our role in preserving the ecological and amenity value of Dublin Bay and the part we will play in the further development of the Poolbeg Peninsula over the coming years.

The report on the public consultation process for the first review of the Masterplan 2012-2040 can be accessed by – Click Here

View the Masterplan Review Infographic – Click Here

Masterplan Review 2017 SEA

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Determination

As the competent authority for preparation and adoption of the Dublin Port Masterplan 2012 to 2040, Dublin Port Company (DPC) notified the consultation authorities for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Ireland that they proposed to undertake a review of the Dublin Port Masterplan. DPC is undertook a review of the Masterplan 2012 to 2040 to ensure that it remains relevant and achieves its central objective of providing a clear vision for the development of the Port into the future.

Following SEA Screening with the consultation authorities between May – July 2017, DPC made a determination under European Communities Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment, as incorporated into Irish law through S.I. No. 435/2004 and 436/2004 (as amended), that the Masterplan Review 2017 requires SEA as:

  • The infrastructure development options for Dublin Port included within the Masterplan Review 2017 will have the potential to result in a significant effect on the Environment. Carrying out a SEA will allow for the early consideration of environmental issues.
  • The Masterplan Review 2017 will form a framework for future projects and allocation of resources concerning the development of Dublin Port into the future.
  • The Masterplan Review 2017 will influence spatial plans at both regional and local level.
  • The Masterplan Review 2017 is likely to require an assessment under Article 6 of the EU Habitats Directive.

DPC’s SEA Screening Report detailing the determination that the competent authority will be undertaking a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Dublin Port Masterplan Review 2017 has been sent to the consultation authorities and can be viewed HERE or on request at our head office: Dublin Port Company, Dublin Port Centre, Alexandra Road, Dublin 1

DPC SEA Screening Report

SEA Scoping Report

A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Scoping Report has been produced for the Dublin Port Masterplan Review 2017. Its purpose is to inform the scope, format, level of detail, methodology for assessment and the consultation period proposed for the SEA Environmental Report.

During the preparation of the SEA Scoping Report, consultations took place with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Dept of Housing, Planning and Local Government (DHPLG); Dept of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM); Dept of Communications, Climate Action and the Environment (DCCAE); and Dept of Culture, Heritage and Gaeltacht (DCHG). A Scoping Workshop also took place with the SEA Statutory Authorities in addition to Dublin City Council and Inland Fisheries Ireland. Feedback from these bodies has been incorporated into the SEA Scoping Report.

The SEA Scoping Report has also been informed from feedback received from interested parties and the general public during early consultations on the Dublin Port masterplan Review 2017 which took place between January – March 2017. The responses received will also be used to inform the preparation of the SEA Environmental Report.

The SEA Scoping Report can be viewed HERE 

View DPC SEA Scoping Report

Masterplan Review 2018

Development works at Dublin Port are already advanced with construction of the ABR Project well under way and capital investment of €1 billion planned over the next decade. Elsewhere, works have commenced on the development of the 44-hectare Dublin Inland Port adjacent to Dublin Airport. Between now and 2040, other major development projects are envisaged on both the north side of the Port and on the Poolbeg Peninsula to complete the development vision of Masterplan 2040.

Since Dublin Port commenced consultation on the review of the Masterplan, a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Environmental Report and Natura Impact Statement have also been undertaken and the findings incorporated into the Masterplan.

Dublin Port Masterplan 2040 – Reviewed 2018 and associated SEA Environmental Reports and Natura Impact Statements are available HERE

You can view all Masterplan 2040 documents here